Simplify the way your team Works
Group Sessions
Time-saving group session notes that help you ensure individualized documentation. See a calendar view: Month, week, or day of your organizations schedule.
Customization of the client facesheet.
Bluebook allows users to personalize the patient record according to their needs. Bluebook’s action menu empowers your staff to see the information that they need to see.
Even in this new age of technology there are still moments where paper is still necessary. Bluebook innovatively takes printing or electronically sharing patient records.
Virtual assistants do not have to be limited to your smartphone. We want to make everyday tasks faster and easier with Bluebook Assistant. Quickly access treatment plan tools, patient information and more.
Billing Audit
A powerful tool that delivers at-a-glance KPI of billable services. The entire infrastructure links notes to your preset configurations. Giving you the monitoring tool necessary for confident and compliant reimbursement.
Assistant, Care & Delivery, Group Sessions, Care Coordination, and Reports can all be easily customized. This is somewhat of a sandbox design your own patient record experience. The possibilities are endless.

What To Expect
Patient care is our number one priority. Documentation is only helpful if the content is readily available and has meaningful content. We want to take the chore out of documentation. We equip providers with the resources they need to ensure that more time is dedicated to create more positive patient outcomes. Bluebook EHR allows users to complete documentation in a timely manner, minimizing human error, and streamline your processes.

Our Foundation
Our Foundation.
Documentation doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Bluebook EHR was created to improve the healthcare record keeping experience. Bluebook was built to ensure the user experience was engineered to improve patient care, not hinder it. We passionately believe that technology is most impactful when it empowers healthcare providers to achieve their best for their patients. Our team is a group of technological-thought leaders that are never satisfied with staying stagnate. We are always striving to achieve cutting edge technology that bring providing treatment services in the behavioral healthcare industry to the next level.
Bluebook Facilitates
Bluebook Facilitates
We provide a library of forms that not only accomplishes individualized patient data but ensures complete compliance to your organization’s policies. Bluebook facilitates each employee to promptly see what their patient needs and when they need it. Compliance for documentation changes based on level of care, state regulations, and accreditation entities. Bluebook EHR keeps your finger on the pulse with regard to supporting your unique regulations. Patient care compliance is achieved at each level of care: detox, residential, day/night, IOP, OP, aftercare and alumni.